The long-lasting COVID-19 has made the hybrid workplace a new trend. For successful business communication under the growing pandemic, organizations and employees are heading for more flexible collaboration tools and resources to better connect, plan and interact with each other.

In response to the demanding needs of high-efficient collaboration, itc designs solutions with advanced technologies that come together to create a new, future-focused meeting space: the smart meeting room.

Smart Meeting Room
itc smart meeting room solutions can be varied in line with the space area and number of attendants in small, medium-sized meeting rooms and multifunctional halls. In this post, we’ll cover these three different solutions and systems applied in them.
1 Small Meeting Room
To inspire big ideas in small spaces, conferences set up with a high level of flexibility and high efficiency is essential, which enables the participants to initiate an impromptu meeting.
With the goal of ease of use, immediacy and flexibility, the conferencing technologies below are included for a small meeting room.

* Smart control system
* Conference booking
* Interactive touch screen
* Digital conference
* Pro sound
* Video conference
2 Medium/ Large Meeting Room

For seamless hybrid team interactions in a large-scale conference, a full-featured AV solution is required to provide efficient information flow with the systems including:

* Pro sound
* LED video wall
* Digital conference
* Conference booking
* Recording system
* Video conference
* Paperless conference
* Central control
* Mobile speech
3 Multi-functional Hall

With a large number of attendants, getting the whole team involved in the meeting in a multifunctional hall is the key point when designing the conferencing solution.
The following systems make up a full-featured AV solution that empowers productivity and efficiency for a focused conference.

* Pro sound
* LED video wall
* Conference booking
* 5GWIFI digital conference
* Recording system
* Video conference
* Stage lighting
* Environmental control
* Mobile speech
Easy to install, easy to manage, and easy to use solutions, itc helps you get the best out of your meetings.